A message from the President of the SSHA:
I am so looking forward to welcoming all of you back to Chicago’s historic Palmer House for the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association. You can probe the times of the sessions by looking at the Final Program (follow links below). Beyond the regular sessions, there will plenty of other exciting events to attend: I will be giving the Presidential Address, “The Presence of Imperial Pasts,” on Saturday 19th in the Monroe Room at 6:30 pm that will be followed by food and drink at the President’s Reception. Prior to the Address, the Business Meeting will be hold at 6:00 pm in the Monroe Room. On Thursday evening at 6 pm, the Opening Reception will offer an opportunity for us to see old friends and make new ones over nibbles and beverages. On Friday, the Networks will hold their organizational meetings and everyone is invited to join (12 and 12:45 pm).
Julian Go
University of Chicago
2022 President of the SSHA
How do I apply for a Richard Sutch Graduate Student Travel Grant? Apply by July 15th via https://bit.ly/3OkWXiB
Starting in January 2022, a link to apply for one of SSHA’s competitive student travel grants will be available at http://ssha.org.
Thank you to all who participated in SSHA 2022, we look forward to seing you again in 2023.
The program co-chairs are:
December 9, 2021. Website open for submissions
March 4, 2022. Submission deadline (extended from February 16)
May 30, 2022. Authors are notified of accepted papers