Marcos Castillo, Lund University
Jonas Helgertz, University of Minnesota/Lund University
In this paper, we analyze the role of highly origin-specific migrant networks on the geographical and occupational trajectories of Swedish migrants in the US during the Age of Mass Migration (1860-1920). By linking individuals from the Swedish Emigration Lists to US Censuses, we are able to follow migrants, for the first time, from their parish of origin in Sweden to their succeeding locations in the US. First, we describe and analyze the residential patterns of the Swedish immigrants, illustrating the extent to which enclaves were established. Second, we compare occupational earnings of migrants residing in those enclaves (upon arrival and later in life) to migrants living elsewhere; to examine if enclaves hindered mobility to better jobs or if instead increased opportunities for the immigrants. Finally, we study if living in enclaves reduced the probability of onward migration in the US.
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Presented in Session 21. Framed by larger trends: Residential migration patterns