The Anticolonial Sociology of Abdelmalek Sayad

Amín Pérez, University of Quebec

Throughout his forty years of research (1958-1998), Abdelmalek Sayad developed an anthropology of colonialism (1958-1970), a sociology of Emigration and Immigration (1970- 1990), and a sociology of the State (1990-1998). From studying the colonized experience to the immigrant experience in the postcolonial and neoliberal era, he sought to craft a scientific perspective aiming to dismantle the colonial debris in the academic and political fields. This article revisits the historical and reflexive grounds of Sayad’s anticolonial sociology and how they were intrinsically related to the political struggles against all forms of oppression.

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 Presented in Session 55. Presidential Session: New Perspectives in Postcolonial Social Theory