
Thursday, November 17 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

1. Ranking Evidence, Evidencing Rank
2. Roundtable--Building and Using Shareable Infrastructure to Advance Historical GIS
3. Reverberations of Youth Migration across Centuries I
4. Author Meets Critic: A Strategic Nature: Public Relations and the Politics of American Environmentalism by Melissa Aronczyk and Maria I. Espinoza
5. Analyzing Modern Migrations in the Global Context
6. Subnational Politics 1: American Political Development, Reconsidered
7. Fiscal and Monetary States
9. (Post-)Colonial Archipelagos: Comparing the Legacies of Spanish Colonialism

Thursday, November 17 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

11. Archival Methods, Ethics, and Subjectivities
12. Education and Outreach
13. Labor Movements and Configurations of Racial Capitalism: Theorizing Race, Class, Gender in historical change
14. (Dis)assembling the State: New Approaches to Studying State and Society
15. New Linked Data Infrastructure: Census Data, Registries, and Vital Records
16. Roundtable: The Rise and Decline of the Voting Rights Act: Perspectives from History, Political Science, Demography and Civil Rights Lawyers
17. Power and Normativity in Society and History (1): Racial Articulations across Spatial Regimes

Thursday, November 17 / 12:00 PM - 1:45 PM

19. Author Meets Critic: Tad Skotnicki's 'The Sympathetic Consumer'
20. Comparative Histories of Infanticide and Child Murder in the Modern West
21. Framed by larger trends: Residential migration patterns
22. Author Meets Critics: "Redistributing the Poor: Jails, Hospitals, and the Crisis of Law and Fiscal Austerity" by Armando Lara-Millán
23. State Administration and Elites
24. Organization and Regulation: Unions, Barriers to Trade, and Consumer Organizations
25. Power and Normativity in Society and History (2): States in Comparative-Historical Perspective
26. Full Count Census Data I: Impact of Shocks on Demographic and Economic Outcomes

Thursday, November 17 / 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM

27. Expertise and the U.S. State
28. From Empire to Empire State: Housing New York City over the Long Run
29. Modernity, Secularization, and Cultural Politics
30. Presidential Session - Labor and Inequality in Africa
31. Understanding Global Migration: Book Review Panel
32. U.S. and British Empire
33. Power and Normativity in Society and History (3): Intellectuals, History, and the State
34. Presidential Session: Using Colonial and Missionary Data for Demography
35. Measuring the Fisc

Thursday, November 17 / 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM

36. Expertise and Cultures of Uncertainty
37. Institutions, Health, and the Environment
38. "Rethinking Paradigms of National Identities in Contemporary Children's Literature: Chilean Landscapes, Puerto Rican Girlhoods, Italian Heroes"
39. Power, Governance, and Political Economy
40. "The Geopolitics of Mobility: Immigration Policy and American Global Power in the Long Twentieth Century," Article Review Session
41. Author Meets Critics: "Worldmaking in the Long Great War: How Local and Colonial Struggles Shaped the Modern Middle East" by Jonathan Wyrtzen
42. Education and the International
43. Politics, Finance, and Imperial State Formation in the Early Modern World
44. Power and Normativity in Society and History (4): the Historicity of Capitalism
45. Long Term Studies on Intergenerational Effects on Mobility and Fertility
46. State Capacity
47. Roundtable: Recent Research on Race and Appraisal, Finance, and Real Estate
48. Governing the City
49. Presidential Session: The US South: Colonialism, Internal Colonialism, and Uneven Development

Friday, November 18 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

50. Expertise and the Representation of Racial Inequality and Difference
51. Trauma
52. Presidential Session - Reverberations of Youth Migration across Centuries II
53. Author Meets Critic: The Paradox of Violence in Venezuela: Revolution, Crime and Policing during Chavismo, by David Smilde, Veronica Zubillaga and Rebecca Hanson
54. Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines, Book Review Panel
55. Presidential Session: New Perspectives in Postcolonial Social Theory
56. Critical Perspectives on U.S. Historical Development
57. Asian and Middle Eastern Politics
58. Finance and Empire
59. Leveraging Names in Full Count Census Data
60. Populations under Pressure Session (I): Forced Labor, Slavery and Its Continued Effects on Colonial Societies
61. Rural, Agricultural, and Environmental
62. Presidential Session - Missionaries and Empire

Friday, November 18 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

63. Book Panel: Art Carden & Deirdre N. McCloskey: Leave Me Alone and I’ll Make You Rich How the Bourgeois Deal Enriched the World
64. Book Roundtable on Revolutions at Home: The Origin of Modern Childhood and the German Middle Class by Emily Bruce
65. Book Panel: Sacred Kingship in World History: Between Immanence and Transcendence (A. Azfar Moin and Alan Strathern)
66. The Politics of Art/Aesthetics
67. Good Jobs, Bad Jobs
68. Author Meets Critics: 'Delivery as Dispossession' by Zachary Levenson
69. Full Count Census Data II: Record Linkage and Databases
70. The Happiest Country in the World Under Construction: New Historical Economics on Finnish Development
71. Perspectives on German and U.S. Imperialism
72. Race and the Long Shadow of European Nationalism
73. Populations under Pressure Session (II): Forced Labor, Slavery and Its Continued Effects on Colonial Societies
74. The Path to Marriage
75. Author Meets Critic - Vrushali Patil (2022): Webbed Connectivities: The Imperial Sociology of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press
76. Activism and Queer Historiography
77. Mapping Spatial Microdata

Friday, November 18 / 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

78. Network Meeting - Childhood and Youth
79. Network Meeting - Crime, Justice and the Law
80. Network Meeting - Culture
81. Network Meeting - Economics
82. Network Meeting - Education, Knowledge and Science
83. Network Meeting - Family Demography
84. Network Meeting - Health, Medicine and Body
85. Network Meeting - Historical Geography and GIS
86. Network Meeting - Labor
87. Network Meeting - Macrohistorical Dynamics

Friday, November 18 / 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

88. Network Meeting - Migration/Immigration
89. Network Meeting - Politics
90. Network Meeting - Public Finance
91. Network Meeting - Race and Ethnicity
92. Network Meeting - Religion
93. Network Meeting - Rural, Agricultural and Environmental
94. Network Meeting - States and Society
95. Network Meeting - Urban
96. Network Meeting - Women, Gender and Sexuality
97. Network Meeting - Data Infrastructure

Friday, November 18 / 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM

98. Colonization, Race and Education
99. Project Development
100. Religious Encounters and Meaning
101. Presidential Session - Empire, Anti-Imperialism and Revolution
102. Race and Gender in Labor History
103. Erving Goffman and the Historians: Contributions of Interactionism to the Study of the Relationships between States, Institutions and Populations
104. Sustaining Social Science Infrastructure Into the Future: A Roundtable Discussion
105. Withered Relevance of Historical Social Sciences at Times of Global Crises?
106. Theoretical Perspectives on Race
107. Book Session: An Ugly Word: Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States by Ann Morning and Marcello Maneri
108. The Impact of Birth: Maternal Mortality, Life Expectancy and Survival
109. Author Meets Critic - In Memoriam - Jeffrey Escoffier: Sex, Society and the Making of Pornography: The Pornographic Object of Knowledge, Rutgers University Press, 2021

Friday, November 18 / 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM

110. Colonial Influence on the Institutional Formation of Social Science
111. Young People and the Environment
112. Law and order: rhetorics, narratives and social construction
113. Presidential Session: Contexts of Reception in Global and Historical Perspective
114. Quantitative Transnational Approaches to Migrations and Persecutions: A Renewal in Migration Studies
115. Subnational Politics 2: The Actually Existing Safety Net
116. Regions of State Formation
117. Cases of Colonialism and Development
118. Cold War Ontologies (1/2)
119. Upending the Color Line: Towards a Du Boisian Sociological Methodology
120. Presidential Session: Empire, Energy, and Environment
121. Gender Concepts and Historical Structures
122. Multidimensional perspectives on Women's Movements

Friday, November 18 / 5:45 PM - 7:30 PM

123. Classification Struggles I: Fields, Markets, and Morality
124. Author Meets Critic: "The Migration-Development Regime: How Class Shapes Indian Emigration" by Rina Agarwala
125. Book panel: Phillip A. Hough _At the Margins of the Global Market: Making Commodites, Workers, and Crisis in Rural Colombia_ (Cambridge University Press 2022)
126. Economic Value in the Post-Colonial State: Egypt, India, and China
127. European Politics
128. Contemporary United States Politics
129. Book Panel: Clash of Empires: From "Chimerica" to the "New Cold War" by Ho-fung Hung
130. Cold War Efflorescences (2/2)
131. Transhistorical Approaches to Race and Racism in Germany and Beyond
132. Author Meets Critic: Managing Medical Authority: How Doctors Compete for Status and Create Knowledge by Daniel A. Menchik
133. The Impact of Cohesion: Single Households, Marriage Premium and in-Laws.
134. International Perspectives on Women's Movements

Saturday, November 19 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

135. Contested Values in Fields of Expertise
136. Geographies of Segregation and Inequality I
137. Author Meets Critics/ "How Civic Action Works: Fighting for Housing in Los Angeles" by Paul Lichterman (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2021)
138. Ideologies of Childhood
139. Exclusion and Symbolic Politics
140. Theorizing and Historicizing Revolutionary and Counter-Revolutionary Actors: Lessons from Modern and Contemporary Revolutions
141. Conceptualizing State-Making
142. Demographic Stress and Gender in Europe
143. Politics of Civilizations and Empires
144. Settler Colonialism and Taxation
145. The Impact of Mothers, Neighborhoods and Disability on later-Life Outcomes
146. Author Meets Critic - Claudia Franziska Brühwiler, Out of a Gray Fog: Ayn Rand's Europe Lexington 2021

Saturday, November 19 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

148. Author Meets Critics: "The Birth Certificate: An American History" by Susan Pearson
149. Regional Development and Inequality
150. Book Panel: Bound Together: The Secularization of Turkey's Literary Fields and the Western Promise of Freedom by Baris Büyükokutan
151. Children as Political Agents and Subjects
152. Author Meets Critics: Rally 'Round the Flag: The Search for National Honor and Respect in Times of Crisis by Yuval Feinstein
153. Presidential Session: New Directions in the Critical Study of Global Counterinsurgency and the Police-Military Continuum
154. Innovations in Data Infrastructure
155. Mining and Industry
156. Author Meets Critics: "Capitalism and the Emergence of Civic Equality in Eighteenth-Century France," by William H.Sewell, Jr
157. Author-Meets-Critics: The Politics of Surviving by Paige Sweet
158. Dispossession and Migration: Perspectives on the Role of Courts and Displacement in Historical Perspective
159. Gender: Work in Progress
160. Healthcare and Health Insurance in Domestic and Imperial Settings
161. Round table: Place attachment and social science history

Saturday, November 19 / 12:00 PM - 1:45 PM

162. Presidential Session - Young People and Colonial Regimes
163. Labor Action, Labor Organizing
164. Measuring and Assessing Crime and Punishment
165. Presidential Session - The Future(s) of Historical Social Science
166. Migration, Refuge and Imperial Geopolitics: New Perspectives
167. Protests, Movements, Rebellions
168. Colonialism and Empire
169. Theory and History of Empires in Eurasia: Past and Present
170. New Directions in Historical Sociology
171. Presidential Session - Rethinking Empires in and of Asia
172. Gender Crises in Past and Present: Grappling with Shame and Identity during Times of Upheaval
173. Escaping the Bad? Demographic Consequences and Migration Outcomes
174. Transnationality and Gender I
175. Book Panel: Claudia Goldin: Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity

Saturday, November 19 / 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM

176. Expertise, the State, and the Past
177. Geographies of Segregation and Inequality II
178. Politics and Social Change in Catholic Contexts
179. Classification Struggles II: Rethinking Fundamental Concepts
181. Theorizing the State’s Many Hands: How States Build, Reconfigure and Deploy Power
182. Engaging War in Ukraine: Scholarly and Pedagogical Interventions
183. Book Panel: J. Bradford DeLong: Book Session: Slouching Towards Utopia: An Economic History of the Twentieth Century
184. Race, Racism, and the State
185. Author Meets Critic: 'The Maternalists: Psychoanalysis, Motherhood, and the British Welfare State' by Shaul Bar-Haim
186. Presidential Session: Renegades and Castaways: Towards a Decolonized Sociology
187. Transnationality and Gender II
188. Motherhood and Early State Socialism in East-Central Europe

Saturday, November 19 / 4:00 PM - 5:45 PM

189. Author Meets Critics: "The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought: French Sociology and the Overseas Empire" by George Steinmetz
190. Archive Stories and Questions of Silence
191. Flexible Work and Trade Union Responses in the Netherlands
192. Presidential Session - Anticolonial Imaginaries and the Politics of Decolonization
193. Migrant Instability and the Politics of Uncertainty
194. Presidential Session - Author Meets Critics: Bread and Freedom: Egypt's Revolutionary Situation, by Mona El-Ghobashy
195. New Frontiers in Social Science Historical Methods
196. Problems with Measuring Relative Worth over Time
197. Movements and Conflicts in World-Historical Perspectives
198. The Poisoned Chalice: The Potential and Paradoxes of anti-Colonial Knowledge Production
199. Book Panel: "The Bricks Before Brown" by Marisela Martinez-Cola
200. Care of and Death Among the Elderly
201. American Women Writers and Fictional Heroines

Sunday, November 20 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM

203. In and Beyond Colonial Archives
205. Mapping Migration Pathways
206. Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and the Post-Neoliberal
207. Global Connections of Class
208. State and Local Politics in the United States
209. Between Marx and Mosca: The Critical Legacy of Elite Theory
210. Holding Health Professionals Accountable
211. Public Finance and the U.S. welfare state

Sunday, November 20 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

212. Author Meets Critics: "Allies and Rivals: German-American Exchange and the Rise of the Modern Research University" by Emily J. Levine
213. Cross-Border Labor Recruitment in the Age of Decolonization
214. Book panel: The Flag and the Cross: White Christian Nationalism and the Threat to American Democracy
215. Author Meets Critic: "On the Other Shore: Italians in South America during the Great War" by John Galante
216. U.S. Empire in Latin America and the Caribbean
217. Dynamics of Political Conflict in Middle Eastern States
218. Mobilizing Census Data: Key Infrastructure Developments
219. War and Politics
220. Author Meets Critic: Book "Creolizing the Modern. Transylvania across Empires" by Anca Parvulescu and Manuela Boatca
221. Public Health and Race
222. Author Meets Critic: Stacked Decks by Robin Bartram