Friday, November 18 / 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM Burnham 1 (Floor 7)

Session 110
Colonial Influence on the Institutional Formation of Social Science

Chair: Zeke Baker, Sonoma State University

1. Science of Empire: U.S. Exceptionalism, Orientalism, and Expertise in Early 20th Century PhilippinesMusabika Nabiha, CUNY BA, 2021.

2. What the Chicago School Learned from a Missionary to the Belgian Congo: The Centrality of Colonial Violence to the Theorizing of Ellsworth FarisDaniel Huebner, University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

3. Transition Theory, Tamed: The Disappearance of Colonialism in Twentieth-Century US Demographic ThoughtSavina Balasubramanian, Loyola University Chicago.

4. The Colonization of MediaBrandon Sward, University of Chicago.

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 Other sessions on Education, Knowledge and Science