Friday, November 18 / 5:45 PM - 7:30 PM Dearborn 3 (Floor 7)

Session 130
Cold War Efflorescences (2/2)

Chair: Mitchell Stevens, Stanford University
Discussant: Elizabeth Shermer, Loyola University Chicago

1. Politics at the Water's Edge: The Cold War and the Reshaping of U.S. Policy and PartisanshipElisabeth Clemens, University of Chicago.

2. The Cold War and the Genealogy of DepoliticizationXiaohong Xu, University of Michigan.

3. The Cold War from the Global SouthKristin Plys, University of Toronto.

4. Through the Prism of ‘Community Development’: a Historical Sociology of Cold War ConjuncturesMushahid Hussain, Cornell University.

5. The Political Imagination of Decolonizing Intellectuals during the Early Cold War: Pierre Bourdieu, Frantz Fanon, and Leopold SenghorGeorge Steinmetz, University of Michigan.

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