Thursday, November 17 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM Clark 9 (Floor 7)

Session 14
(Dis)assembling the State: New Approaches to Studying State and Society

Chair: Hanisah Sani, University of Michigan
Discussant: Sadia Saeed, University of San Francisco

1. Democratic Decline and Return Migration: What Motivates Highly-Skilled Return Migration to Autocratizing Contexts?Gulay Turkmen, WZB Berlin Social Science Center.

2. When State-Led Development Plans Fail: Rethinking the State-in-Society ApproachWen Xie, Peking University.

3. Contingencies of Structure: How Human Interactions Mold Revolutionary StatesMaryam Alemzadeh, University of Oxford.

4. Consolidating Islamic Law and Muslim Administration from the Frontier in British MalayaHanisah Sani, National University of Singapore.

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