Session 149 Regional Development and Inequality
Logics of Business Placement in Mid-19th Century New York •
Gergely Baics, Barnard College; Leah Meisterlin, Columbia University.
Spatial Analysis of Regional Political-Systems Network •
Hiroko Inoue, University of California, Riverside; Chris Chase-Dunn, University of California, Riverside.
Modelling Geohistorical Accessibility in the Long Run: The Growth of the Waterway’s Network •
Christophe Mimeur, CY Cergy Paris University; Thomas Thevenin, ThéMA - University of Bourgogne Franche Comté; Patrick Mille, ThéMA - University of Bourgogne Franche Comté; Isabelle Seguy, INED.
Urbanization and the Production of Durable Political Inequality •
Robert Vargas, University of Chicago.
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