Saturday, November 19 / 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM LaSalle 5 (Floor 7)

Session 187
Transnationality and Gender II

Chair: Benita Roth, Binghamton University

1. Between Nature and a Hard Place: Neoliberal Conservatization and the “Nature” of Good MotheringCanan Tanir, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

2. Policing Gender and Sexuality in the 17th Century Dutch BeterhuisenJeffery Dennis, Minnesota State University.

3. Agriculture and Women in the Italian Empire as Depicted by Bruno SperaniFazila Derya Agis, University of the People.

4. Roe V. Wade in the Americas: Activist Strategies for Reproductive Rights in the 20th and 21st CenturiesJadwiga Pieper-Mooney, University of Arizona.

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 Other sessions on Women, Gender and Sexuality