Saturday, November 19 / 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Clark 7 (Floor 7)

Session 188
Motherhood and Early State Socialism in East-Central Europe

Chair: Katerina Liskova, Masaryk University

1. Where and How to Bring a Child into the World? Experts and Pregnancy Counselling in East Central Europe´s 1950s and 1960sJosé Luis Aguilar López-Barajas, Masaryk University.

2. “To the Last Drop”: Stressing the Importance of Breastfeeding in State Socialism during the 1950sAnnina Gagyiova, Masaryk University.

3. Early State Socialism and Eugenics: Pre-Marital Medical Certificates in Czechoslovakia, GDR and Poland in the Aftermath of World War IINatalia Jarska, Polish Academy of Sciences.

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