Session 200 Care of and Death Among the Elderly
Chair: Evan Roberts, University of Minnesota
Discussant: Nancy Tatarek, Ohio University
In Utero and Early-Life Exposure to Alcohol and Old Age Mortality: Evidence from the Temperance Movement in the Us •
Hamid Noghanibehambari, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jason Fletcher, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Life-long effects of incremental economic resources in childhood: the introduction of the first Swedish child allowance in 1938 •
Louise Cormack, Lund University; Volha Lazuka, Lund University; Luciana Quaranta, Lund University.
Swedish Life Expectancy, Inequality, and the Standard of Living 1600-1800 •
Kathryn Gary, Lund University; Björn Eriksson, Lund University.
From Poorhouses to Retirement Homes: The Development of Elderly Care during the Establishment of the Swedish Welfare State •
Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson, University of Gothenburg.
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