Sunday, November 20 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Clark 5 (Floor 7)

Session 205
Mapping Migration Pathways

Chair: Evan Roberts, University of Minnesota

1. The Mexican Migrant in American Sociology: Manuel Gamio and the Chicago SchoolNicolas Eilbaum, Greensboro Collge.

2. Migration under the Serfdom System. Vilnius Residents in the Late 18th Century and Their Origins.Piotr Guzowski, University of Bialystok.

3. Migration Paths and Connections to Kyoto in the Mid Nineteenth CenturyMary Louise Nagata, Francis Marion University .

4. Linguistic Segregation in the United States, 1900-1930Evan Roberts, University of Minnesota; Isabella Ou, University of Minnesota.

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 Other sessions on Migration/Immigration