Thursday, November 17 / 12:00 PM - 1:45 PM Clark 5 (Floor 7)

Session 21
Framed by larger trends: Residential migration patterns

Chair: Linda Reeder, University of Missouri

1. Gender, Geography and Labor Markets during the Age of Mass Migration: Swedish Immigrants in the US 1900-1910Marcos Castillo, Lund University; Jonas Helgertz, University of Minnesota/Lund University.

2. Redefining Urban Citizenship: Southern Italian Migrants and Housing Activism in 1970s Italy and West GermanySarah Jacobson, Leibniz Institute for European History.

3. Afrasian Carceralities: Japanese and North African Internment under the French EmpireBenjamin Hiramatsu-Ireland, Texas Christian University.

4. Understanding War Labour Migration: A Case of Comfort Women of the Japanese EmpireYasuko Hassall Kobayashi, Ritsumeikan University.

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 Other sessions on Migration/Immigration