Thursday, November 17 / 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Clark 5 (Floor 7)

Session 31
Understanding Global Migration: Book Review Panel

Chair: Neil Foley, SMU, Dallas, Texas
Chair: James Hollifield, SMU, Dallas, Texas
Discussant: David Abraham, University of Miami
Discussant: David S. FitzGerald, University of California San Diego

1. Migration Governance in TurkeyFiona Adamson, SOAS.

2. International Migration and Refugee Movements in Latin AmericaMiryam Hazán, SMU and Organization of American States.

3. Beyond the Migration State: Western Europe since World War IILeo Lucassen, International Institute of Social History (IISH).

4. Illiberal Migration Governance in the Arab GulfHélène Thiollet, CNRS/CERI, Sciences Po, Paris.

5. Canada, the Quintessential Migration State?Phil Triadafilopoulos, University of Toronto.

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