“Heroes, Traitors, and Social Outcasts: Revisiting Theoretical and Data Incongruencies of the Cape Rebels, 1880-1902” •
Lauren Coetzee, University of Luxembourg.
The Origins of Black Radical Tradition: Marronage, a Self-Emancipation Movement •
Priscilla JudsonWallace, University of Houston, 3rd year PhD Candidate.
Leaving or Staying? Spatial Segregation, Confessional Diversity, and Migratory Behavior •
Anton Perdoncin, CNRS (Cens, Nantes University), ERC Lubartworld; Adèle Sutre, EHESS; Claire Zalc, CNRS-EHESS.
The Organizational Ecology of an Epidemic: How the AIDS Crisis Affected LGBTQ Organizations across the United States •
Mahesh Somashekhar, University of Illinois at Chicago; Giacomo Negro, Emory University.
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