Friday, November 18 / 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Burnham 2 (Floor 7)

Session 99
Project Development

1. Deep Mapping Meets Public Participatory HGIS: The Next Generation of the Keweenaw Time TravelerDon Lafreniere, Michigan Technological University; Sarah Fayen Scarlett, Michigan Technological University; Dan Trepal, Michigan Technological University; Ryan Williams, Michigan Tech University; James Juip, Michigan Tech University.

2. Mapping the Historical Environments of the Guanabara Bay: Visualizing Changing Landscapes in Colonial BrazilAlida Metcalf, Rice University.

3. Building the Past: Historyforge, Ithaca, and beyondEve Snyder, HistoryForge, The History Center in Tompkins County (Ithaca, NY).

4. Building a Public Web Interface for Historical GIS: The Keweenaw Time Traveler Explore App 2.0Ryan Williams, Michigan Tech University.

Click on a name for contact information
Click on a title to see the abstract
Click on the room name to see a floor plan

 Other sessions on Historical Geography and GIS