Thursday, November 17 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Burnham 2 (Floor 7)

Session 2
Roundtable--Building and Using Shareable Infrastructure to Advance Historical GIS

Chair: Andrew A. Beveridge, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY) and Social Explorer
Discussant: Andrew A. Beveridge, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY) and Social Explorer

1. From Historical GIS to Spatial History: Towards the MainstreamIan Gregory, Lancaster University.

2. Knitting Together Experience and Place: Lessons from the Holocaust Geographies ProjectAnne Knowles, University of Maine.

3. Rebooting Public Participatory Deep Mapping Projects--Trials and OpportunitiesDon Lafreniere, Michigan Technological University.

4. Building and Sustaining a New Historical GIS for New York -- Issues and LessonsDaniel Miller, Columbia University.

5. The National Historical GIS Project--Micro and Aggregate Data ApproachesDavid Van Riper, Minnesota Population Center; Jonathan Schroeder, University of Minnesota.

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 Other sessions on Historical Geography and GIS