Friday, November 18 / 8:00 AM - 9:45 AM Clark 9 (Floor 7)

Session 55
Presidential Session: New Perspectives in Postcolonial Social Theory

Chair: Zophia Edwards, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Zophia Edwards, Johns Hopkins University

1. The Anticolonial Sociology of Abdelmalek SayadAmín Pérez, University of Quebec.

2. De-Particularizing National Cultures. Bourdieu's Theory of the State in a Postcolonial ContextMartin Petzke, Bielefeld University.

3. Postcolonial Theories of CapitalismKristin Plys, University of Toronto.

4. De-Colonizing LuhmannRalf Rapior, University of Bielefeld.

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